Hurts and Emotions
Calming Our Fears
Christ and Brokenness
Christ the Dayspring
Dealing with Loneliness
Dealing with Stress, Worry, and Anxiety Handout
Emotional Needs Questionnaire
God’s Promises to the Believer
Grief Ball
Grief Wheel – Three Phases
Job Burnout
Maintaining Balance and Focus during the Holidays
Managing Stress
Our Living Hope by Duane Rocke
Our Negative Thinking Versus God’s Promises To Us
Overcoming Hurt by Ralph Woerner
Pregnancy Loss
Tension Levels – Red, Yellow, Green
Truth Talk
Unmet Expectations
When the Pain Won’t Go Away

Accountability Questions for Engaged Couples
Additional Resources for your Marriage
Affection, Love Languages, and Gender Differences In Marriage
Attachment Styles in Marriage
Building up Marriages in Others
Communications Guidelines
Communication in Marriage
Conflict Resolution Skills in Marriage
Cultivating Friendship in Marriage
Developing the Spiritual Union in Marriage Document
Developing the Spiritual Union in Marriage Handout Activities Packet
Falling Out of Love Model
Five Love Languages Quiz for Husbands
Five Love Languages Quiz for Wives
Gospel Centered Marriage
Interests and Needs of Mature Couples
Leaving & Cleaving Document
Little Ways to Improve your Marriage
Making your Marriage a Priority in Different Seasons of Parenting
Marital Drift Assessment
Marital Enrichment Program
Marriage and the Church
Marriage Discussion Aids
Money Matters in Marriage
Navigating Sex Education with Your Children
Nurturing Joy in Marriage
Nurturing Joy in Marriage Booklet
Opposites in Marriage
Personality & Spiritual Gifts in Marriage
Prayers for Husband and Wife
Premarital Counseling Program
Priorities and Stewardship of Time and Talents in Marriage
Questions to Consider when Reflecting on Your Marriage
Reflections for Couples – How is Your Marriage
Roles, Responsibilities, and Decision Making in Marriage
Sexuality in Christian Marriage
Sexuality in Christian Marriage Part I
Sexuality in Christian Marriage Part II
Staying Connected Raising Children
Strengthening Emotional Connections
Suggestions for a Happy Marriage
The Christian Home
The Importance of Family
The Season of Grandparenting
Topic Areas of Discussion for Couples Considering Marriage
Triangle Model of Love

Mental Health
A Christ-Centered 12 step Program of Addiction Recovery
Age Appropriate and Dysfunctional Behaviors in Adolescence
Breathing and Relaxation Techniques
Characteristics of Obsessional Thinking
Columbia Disc Depression Scale for parents to fill out
Columbia Disc Depression Scale for teens to fill out
Comforting Scriptures for Times of Depression and Struggle
Common Reactions After a Crisis
Coping Statements for Christians With OCD and Scrupulosity
Dealing with the Wintertime Blues
Depression – What it is and what can be done about it Document
Emotional and Physical Danger Signs of Acting Out
Four Steps of Brainlock Summary
Learning to Live with OCD – VAN NOPPEN
Principles of Effective and Religiously Sensitive Exposures
Scrupulosity-Understanding the Overactive Conscience
SOS (Survivors of Suicide) Handbook
So Your Child is Heading to Court
Three Keys to Recovery
True Guilt/False Guilt Document
True Guilt/False Guilt graphic
Understanding Addiction
Understanding Seasonal Depression
Understanding the Bio-Psycho-Social Model
When Reassurance is Harmful
Whirlpool Model for Beating Rumination

Guidelines for Effective Listening
Influencing Skills
Local Church Mentoring Program Objectives
Mentor Program Brief Description
Mentoring Plan Worksheet
Mentoring Manual
Mentoring Handouts
Mentor Tracking Spreadsheet
Mentor Tracking Worksheet
New Convert – Member Mentoring Worksheet
Newly Married Worksheet
Spiritual Growth Worksheet
Stages of Change Handout
Ten Strategies for Evoking Change
The Role of Mentoring and Support Groups
What Does a Good First Session Look Like

25 Ways to Provoke Anger
Cell Phone Contract
Corrective Procedures
Discipline of Children
Family Technology Plan
Family Worship Guidebook
Five C’s of Effective Discipline
God’s Heart for the Fatherless
How and When to Talk to Your Kids about Sex – Cover Letter
How to Talk to your Children about Homosexuality
Independent Living Skills
Parenting Discussion Aids
Parenting with a Purpose
Relationship Intimacy Inventory
Shaping Your Teen’s Character
Shield of Faith
Shield of Faith Worksheet
Spiritual Growth Chart
Spiritual Growth In Children
The Talk
Understanding Attachment
What does the Bible say about Homosexuality

Pathway to Purity
Accountability Questions
Beholding the Father Worksheet
Brain Science Worksheet
Coming Out from Porn Worksheet
Commitment Worksheet
Do You Want to be Made Whole
From Guilt to Peace
Healthy Self Talk
How to Repent
Lifestyle Worksheet
Personal Motivation Statement
Radical Amputation Worksheet
Reflex Worksheet
Relationships Worksheet
Sex Education Worksheet
Sexual Purity Triage Questionnaire
Sexual Purity Triage Resource Page
Sexual Purity Triage Tool
Shame to Hope
What Does an Overcoming Christian Life Look Like
Who Am I Worksheet
Worship vs Temptation Worksheet
11 Rules for Respect and Open Communication in Relationships
Basic Conflict Resolution Rules
Boundaries in Relationships
Boundaries Summary
Boundaries Wheel
Care Enough to Confront – Step by Step Guide to Positive Confrontation
Christian Male Friendships
Description of Social Styles
Discussion Questions for Communication
Forgiveness – What it is, What it Isn’t, How to Do It
Forgiveness Lessons Elementary Sunday School
Forgiveness Lessons Middle Sunday School
Forgiveness Lessons High School Sunday School
Forgiving as Christ Forgave by Dan Kilgus
Godly Principles Workplace Conduct Discussion Aids
Healthy Communication Principles
Healthy Relationships in the Body Handout
Points for Self Examination when Experiencing Conflict
Rebuilding Trust in Relationships
Redeeming Transitions Document
Redeeming Transitions Handout
Relationship Discussion Aids
Ten Laws of Boundaries

The Stories We Tell Ourselves
Types of High Maintenance Relationships
Understanding Family Dynamics
Workplace Relationships

10 Tips for Maintaining Sexual Integrity
Addictions: Why We Do What We Hate and How to Stop Bible Study
Caught in the Middle – How to Talk about Homosexuality
Healthy Self Talk
Healthy Sexuality God’s Way
Its not your Fault-Spouses pamphlet
Keys to Accountability
Overcoming Temptation by Lynn Stieglitz
Pornography Landscape
Severity Levels of Sexual Addiction
Striving For Purity Discussion Aid
Striving for Sexual Purity – Men Handout
Striving for Sexual Purity – Women Handout
Support for Wives Feeling Betrayed
The Porn Circuit
What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality- Answer Gay Revisionist Theology
When a Man’s Eye Wanders
Your Brain On Porn Covenant Eyes

A Guide for Self-Reflection During Marriage Decision Making
Keeping a Balanced Perspective During Marriage Decision Making
Refining Through Relationships
Singleness & Sexuality
Singleness Redeemed Discussion Aids
The Church and Singleness Document
The Marriage Decision

Spiritual Growth
10 Lessons on Biblical Principles of Financial Stewardship
Biblical Decision Making Wheel
Biblical Decision Making Paper
Christ-Centered Self Worth Document
Crown Financial Stewardship Forms
Defending the Christian Faith – Why It Is Important and Helpful Resources
Faith – A Clarification
Foundational Truths of my Life with God by John Ortberg
How to Study the Bible
Identifying Developing Spiritual Gifts
Justification – Sanctification
Peace – A Clarification
Prayer – Placing Your Hope in God
Prayers to Nurture Gratitude
Repentance is Necessary for Spiritual Rebirth by Lynn Stieglitz
Scripture Memory Program
Spiritual Disciplines: Prayer
Spiritual Disciplines: Reading God’s Word
Spiritual Disciplines: Fasting
Spiritual Disciplines: Worship
Spiritual Growth Assessment
Spiritual Health Assessment
Spiritual Leadership Discussion Aids
Spiritual Leadership from the Life of Moses
Spiritual Leadership in the Home Discussion Aids
Spiritual Maturity Milk to Meat Discussion Aids

The Compelling Community
The Godly Man
The Inspired and Infallible Word of God by Ted Witzig Sr.
Tragedy and Suffering
True Faith is Based in God and His Son, Jesus Christ by Steve Ringger
World Religions Sunday School Lessons
World Religions Sunday School Teacher’s Guide

Considering Technology
Five Technology Questions to Consider
Internet Filtering Monitoring Quick Reference
Technology Guidelines for Christian Business Owners
Technology Principles
Technology Teaching Principles Discussion Aids

God’s Masterpiece Discussion Aids
Seeing Ourselves In His Image
Viewing Women Through a Biblical Lens