Welcome to the Website of the Apostolic Christian (Nazarean) Counseling Services!


The purpose of the Apostolic Christian (Nazarean) Counseling Services ("ACN Counseling Services" for short) is to support counseling for those who are seeking help. We also provide informative material, seminars and presentations on many subjects related to personal and family issues as well as mental health and spiritual issues.


Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
(Galatians 6:2)


To help you navigate this website, the following is a brief description of each tab above:
Home: This is the introductory page that first shows up when you access our website
About Us: This section gives a more detailed description of who we are and what we do
Emergency: If you are experiencing very strong emotions (for example: extreme hopelessness or despair), please click this tab
FAQ: This section will answer common questions about counseling that you may have
Topics: There are two sub topics in this section. "Counseling Topics" is list of common counseling topics listed alphabetically. "Topics of Interest" is a shorter list of featured topics that might be of interest to you.
Encouragement: This section is a list of  topics and scripture references that address these topics.
Spiritual Life:  This section has information concerning your spiritual life
Contact Us: You can go to this tab to find out information on contacting us
Links: This section indicates other websites that we think you may find of interest
Search: You can search for any topic by typing any word of your choice into the search box. All information on this website will be listed based on the word you choice.