The following are common questions that you might have:

1.      What is wrong with me?

2.   What is counseling?

3.   When is it time to seek a counselor?

4.      What is the process to receive counseling with the ACN Counseling Services?

5.      How much will this cost me?

6.      Will anyone know that I am seeking counseling or what is discussed?

7.      I am concerned about someone that I know. What should I do?










1.      What is wrong with me?

      It is not uncommon to think that you are the only one who is going through what you are experiencing, or to think that there is no solution to your problem or that your suffering will never end. By reaching out for help, you will find that others have gone through similar situation such as yours and have received help. We are very interested and willing to help you, regardless of what you are going through. The important thing is to talk with someone about it.  



2. What is counseling?

Counseling is the effort in receiving guidance and advice in helping you address, understand and resolve situations that arise in your life.



3. When is it time to seek a counselor?

        • When anxiety, worry, or fear interferes with regular activities
        • When feelings of guilt persist and do not yield to spiritual effort such as confession and prayer
        • When one feels perpetually like a victim
        • When anger seems uncontrollable
        • When symptoms indicate stress-related concerns for which a physician can find no organic cause: frequent headaches, palpitations, shortness of breath, agitation, insomnia, loss of concentration
        • When reactions to loss are prolonged or unusual – typically, the grief process is very difficult during the first year, but indications of a renewed sense of meaning and effectiveness should begin manifesting themselves
        • When behaviours are in conflict with accepted beliefs and values become uncontrollable
        • When moods become depressive or euphoric to the point of interfering with appropriate functioning or behaviour
        • When routine problem solving and the challenges of life seem overwhelming
        • When a traumatic event and/or abuse have been experienced or witnessed, whether in childhood or in adulthood
        • When there is a pattern of conflictual or failed relationships at home, work, or church
        • BEFORE getting married
        • When it is sensed that there is a need for deeper intimacy which is not currently being met in a marriage relationship
        • When outstanding issues in a marriage continue to undermine the relationship and parenting
        • When communication in a relationship becomes a vehicle for argument and hostility rather than for problem solving and affirmation
        • When normal life stages or unexpected events present greater than anticipated strain on the couple relationship: birth of a child, job loss or promotion, retirement, infertility, major trauma or illness
        • When a partner or family member exhibits signs of mental illness



4.      What is the process to receive counseling with the ACN Counseling Services?

The first thing you must do is make contact with us. If you are uncomfortable, you can contact us anonymously through e-mail or another person and ask any questions that you want. Once you are willing to be proceed, we will ask a number of questions concerning your situation and then provide you with your options.



5.      How much will this cost me?

      There is no charge for the ACN Counseling Service. At some point in time there may be a need to refer a you to a professional counselor. If this happens, you would be required to pay the established fees of the counselor. The ACN Counseling Service will consider financial assistance if a person has difficulty with paying for counseling services.



6.      Will anyone know that I am seeking counseling and what is discussed?

      This is a question concerning confidentiality. The ACN Counseling Service recognizes that a foundation for service is trust. We are commited to providing a caring, supportive and safe experience as we seek to help you in your need. To this end the ACN Counseling Service is fully commited to privacy and confidentiality. The ACN Counseling service will not reveal  who you are, any personal information about you, and the reason for seeking our services. However there are three areas where confidentiality is limited. These include child abuse, harm to your self or harm to others. In these circumstances, we are legally and ethically obligated to inform appropriate individuals and agencies in order to help resolve these issues.



7.      I am concerned about someone that I know. What should I do?

        You are truly being a compassionate person if you are concerned about someone and are willing to be of help to them. Our first advice is that you would look to convince the person to seek help. You can offer to be there with them in seeking help if they are reluctant. If they are not willing, you can contact us and let us know the situation. To maintain confidentiality, we ask that you do not provide any names but keep your inquiry general. We will make every effort to support you.
