Sexuality in Christian Marriage
Sex Education
Sexual Purity
Same-Sex Attraction & Homosexuality
Sexual Abuse (Victims)
Sexual Abuse (Offenders)
Links & Other Resources
Exodus International
Informational articles about same sex attraction and gender identity issues. This organization is dedicated to helping individuals struggling with gender identity problems and those who want to leave the homosexual lifestyle.
Caught in the Middle: How to Talk about Homosexuality
This helpful article from HARVEST USA gives guidance on how to maintain a loving, humble, and biblical approach when interacting with loved ones living a homosexual lifestyle.
Links & Other Resources
National Sex Offender Registry
National Sex Offender Public Registry
This national directory created by the United States Department of Justice will allow you to identify the names and locations of the registered sex offenders in your local area. You can search by zip code, name, town, etc.
State-by-State Guidelines for Reporting Abuse
Child Welfare Information Gateway
At this site you can search for information on the laws regarding child abuse and neglect in your home state. Child abuse hotline numbers and laws regarding mandated reporters can also be found here.
Guidance on Protecting Children from Abusers
Prevent Child Sexual Abuse
This website link takes you to a booklet that will help define Sexual Abuse, how you can help to prevent it, community notifcation and you, and gives you a checklist on warning signs.
A Parent's Guide to Internet Safety
This website provides a wealth of information for parents about how to prevent their children from being exploited by online bullying, predators, identity theft, online gaming, etc. [CallerSmart]
In the typical female’s mind, it is extremely difficult to conceptualize, rationally and emotionally, why her husband would fall into sexual sin. Often, the wife finds it difficult to get the help and support she needs when sexual sin has been discovered. While there are specific needs for the husband struggling with sexual sin, there is also a need for intervention for the marriage and for issues the wife may face.
Documents for Download
We are all acutely aware that sexual temptation is unavoidable in our sex-obsessed culture. Here are 10 steps to achieving and maintaining sexual purity, steps that are practical, scripturally-based, and capable of helping anyone win the battle.
Guidance on Using Technology
This document, from the Apostolic Christian Elder Technology Committee, provides biblical principles and practical guidance for using technology. Information about safe Internet use, selecting Internet filtering software, and proper use of mobile phones/PDAs is included. This version of the document was released 5/1/11.
Support for Wives Feeling Betrayed
A support document for those helping wives feeling betrayed by their husband's sexual sin.
True Guilt - False Guilt
This document, developed by ACCFS, highlights the differences between true guilt and false guilt. True guilt leads to restoration with God and others while false guilt leads to an endless cycle of shame, hopelessness, and despair.
Understanding Addiction
This document, developed by ACCFS, provides an overview of addiction from a Christian perspective. It helps readers to understand what addiction is, the resposibilities of the addict to seek help, and the ways that family members, friends, and churches can help. Relevant for those dealing with alcoholism, gambling addiction, nicotine addiction, drug abuse (prescription or illegal), sexual addiction, etc.
Emotional & Physical Danger Signs for Acting Out
This document, developed by ACCFS, lists emotional and physical states that you may feel when you get the urge to act on unhealthy, sinful, and/or addictive impulses (e.g., desire to drink, binge or purge, allowing impure sexual fantasy to run, etc.). By becoming aware of these triggers, you can begin to use healthy, Christ-honoring coping skills to deal with them more effectively.
Overcoming Temptation
A study by Elder Bro. Lynn Stieglitz on how to wage a successful battle with our spiritual enemy, using faith and the armor of God. The author describes how the "shield of faith" can extinguish "fiery darts" and explains why God helps us to endure some temptations and directs us to flee from others.
A Christ-Centered Twelve Step Program of Addiction Recovery
12-Step Programs are often a standard part of recovery from addictions. This document shows how each of the 12-Steps fit right in line with biblical truth. The biblical concepts of humility, repentance, confession, restitution, etc. are highlighted as the pathway to overcoming addictions of all types.
Accountability Questions
This is a simple list of questions for use between accountability partners.