Links & Other Resources
PTSD Fact Sheets
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Guide for Patients and Families
This informative guide reviews the diagnosis and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. This guide is helpful for those dealing with PTSD or those trying to support them.
Facts for Health: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
This site discusses posttraumatic stress disorder, its treatment, and related problems.
Help for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
This site, from, provides a brief description of post-traumatic stress disorder and its treatment.
PTSD in Children
Parents Trauma Resource Center
This site, from the National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children, provides parents with practical information about how to help their children after a traumatic event or loss.
Biblical Insights on Trauma
When Tragedy Strikes-- Finding Security in A Vulnerable World
This booklet, from RBC Ministries, provides guidance for dealing with the emotional and spiritual issues that arise after people experience a traumatic experiences (e.g., natural disasters, tragic accidents, and violent crimes).
After the Hurricane
This booklet, from RBC Ministries, explains how to respond to and understand calamities, disasters and tragedies. It was written primarily for those who help individuals impacted by tragedies, such as relief workers.
Dealing with Stress, Worry, and Anxiety
Helping One Another After a Major Stressor
Documents for Download
Forgiveness: What it is, What it isn't, and How to Do it
Forgiveness is important to almost every relationship that we have. This document focuses on understanding what forgiveness is and isn't in order to help detangle myths that can hinder healing. Practical steps for thinking through forgiveness and how it is different from reconciliation are presented. Also available in Spanish El PERDON: ¿QUÉ ES? ¿QUÉ NO ES? Y ¿CÓMO SE PRACTICA?
11 Rules for Respect and Open Communication in Relationships
This document focuses on 11 specific rules that can help your relationships stay healthy. While at first glance the rules may look to you like common sense, many relationship problems occur because they are not followed. Do your best to follow the 11 rules and your relationships are sure to benefit!
True Guilt - False Guilt
This document highlights the differences between true guilt and false guilt. True guilt leads to restoration with God and others while false guilt leads to an endless cycle of shame, hopelessness, and despair.