Links & Other Resources
A Parent's Guide to Helping Kids with Learning Difficulties
This site provides information on learning disabilities as well as a variety of other social, emotional, and psychological disorders. It includes a variety of articles related to managing children with learning difficulties along with related issues in the home, family, and school.
LD Online
This website provides helpful information about learning disabilities. It is a good place for parents to learn about the symptoms and diagnosis of learning disabilities. Parents will also find numerous resources and suggestions to assist them in helping their child learn and adapt.
Developmental Disorders
Yale Child Study Center
This site provides information on autistic spectrum disorders such as autism, Asperger's Disorder, and other Pervasive Development Disorders.
Documents for Free Download
This document, developed by ACCFS, describes a subtype of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder called "scrupulosity." This occurs when symptoms of OCD are intertwined in religious and moral matters.
Learning to Live with OCD
Learning to Live with OCD gives guidelines on how to live with someone who has OCD and provides special guidelines for educators, employers, children, and adolescents. Also includes an overview of OCD and the types of treatment.
When Reassurance is Harmful
This document, produced by the OC Foundation, provides insight on someone with OCD and how reassurance is harmful to them.
See also information on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Documents for Download
Forgiveness: What it is, What it isn't, and How to Do it
Forgiveness is important to almost every relationship that we have. This document focuses on understanding what forgiveness is and isn't in order to help detangle myths that can hinder healing. Practical steps for thinking through forgiveness and how it is different from reconciliation are presented. Also available in Spanish El PERDON: ¿QUÉ ES? ¿QUÉ NO ES? Y ¿CÓMO SE PRACTICA?
Documents for Download
This is a checklist of signs and symptoms that can help determine if an adolescent is depressed.
Age Appropriate and Dysfunctional Behaviors in Adolescence
This document contains a listing of examples of both age appropriate and dysfunctional adolescent behavior.
Comforting Scriptures for Times of Depression & Struggle
This document is includes helpful information on how to pray and read the Bible during times of depression or struggles along with a list of comforting scripture verses. Document developed by ACCFS.
Documents for Download
Mood & Self-Care Tracking
Due to the variable nature of bipolar disorder and the need to catch manic and depressive episodes early, daily mood tracking is an essential feature of successful managing bipolar disorder. Showing completed tracking charts to your physician and counselor will help them to have a more accurate picture of how you are doing. We have two vesions of the chart available: Tracking Chart (PDF) or Tracking Chart (Excel Spreadsheet)
Spiritual Support
Comforting Scriptures for Times of Depression & Struggle
This document, developed by ACCFS, includes helpful information on how to pray and read the Bible during times of depression or struggles along with a list of comforting scripture verses.