Nearly everyone will find themselves in a workplace relationship at some point in his or her life. Christ-like behavior is key to employer/manager and employee relationships. Following biblical principles will provide a workplace environment that is conducive to the enhancement of both productivity and employee satisfaction.
Documents for Download
Workplace Relationships
This document gives biblical guidance on how to maintain appropriate relationships in the workplace.
Workplace Communications
This document give biblical instruction on proper communications in the workplace.
Job Burnout
This document explains job burnout and gives suggestions on how to avoid it.
Effective Management
Effective Workplace Communication
Healthy Boundaries
(Understanding the Differences)
Documents for Free Download
This document explains the different personalities and spiritual gifts that God blesses us with. It includes exercises for couples to evaluate their similarities and differences, as well as how they can use their personality and spiritual gifts to strengthen their marriage. This document was developed by ACCFS for church elders to use in premarital and marital counseling.
Although the word “mentoring” does not appear in the Bible, the concept is firmly rooted in Scripture and examples of mentoring relationships abound. A mentor is one who establishes a relationship with another and helps him or her learn by sharing experiences, knowledge, wisdom, and God-given resources. Mentoring is very simply “learning from one another,” such as when those who are less mature in faith or in experience are taught by those who are more mature or experienced. Mentoring happens whenever someone comes along side and walks with another, for the purpose of giving instruction, support, and encouragement.
“Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” (2 Timothy 2:1-2)
Jesus spent much of His earthly ministry in mentoring His disciples. He taught them how to pray, helped them grow spiritually, and instructed them in the way of salvation. Another example of a mentoring relationship is contained in the biblical account of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. The Spirit said to Philip, “Go near, and join thyself to this chariot” (Acts 8:29). Philip helped him understand the Gospel message of salvation through faith in Jesus.
Mentoring relationships allow individuals or couples the opportunity to mutually encourage one another and to receive support, guidance, wisdom, and help. The desired result is that all parties will grow closer to Christ in their daily walk and closer to the fellowship of believers making up the Body of Christ.
“Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” (Proverbs 27:17)
Some of the purposes and goals of mentoring are giving encouragement and providing support, guidance, wisdom, and help, helping others attain spiritual growth, and modeling leadership.
Mentoring is learning how to grow spiritually from people whom God brings into our lives. The vast majority of people who benefit from mentoring have a desire to grow and learn. As long as God gives us life and breath, we need to continue to grow, to be used as servants, and to help others with the gifts God has given us.
ACCFS Document for Free Download
This document defines and describes mentoring and is supported by several examples of mentoring in the Bible. In addition, steps are outlined that can guide individuals who desire to find a mentor or desire to mentor others.
Accountability Questions
This is a simple list of questions for use between accountability partners.
Documents for Download
Forgiveness is important to almost every relationship that we have. This document focuses on understanding what forgiveness is and isn't in order to help detangle myths that can hinder healing. Practical steps for thinking through forgiveness and how it is different from reconciliation are presented. Developed by ACCFS. This document is also available in Spanish El PERDON: ¿QUÉ ES? ¿QUÉ NO ES? Y ¿CÓMO SE PRACTICA?
Forgiving as Christ Forgave
This document is an encouragement to forgive following the example of Christ's forgiveness. Sub-topics include "Forgiveness has No Limits," "What Forgiveness is Not," "How to Forgive," and "Forgiving Ourselves."
Overcoming Hurt
This excllent booklet by Dr. Ralph Woerner discusses overcoming minor and major hurts and how to forgive.
True Guilt - False Guilt
This document, developed by ACCFS, highlights the differences between true guilt and false guilt. True guilt leads to restoration with God and others while false guilt leads to an endless cycle of shame, hopelessness, and despair.
Documents for Download
This document provides information on how couples can work through conflict in healthy ways. It reviews biblical principles about dealing with conflict and provides practical instruction and exercises for couples to use. This document was developed for church elders to use in premarital and marital counseling.
11 Rules for Respect and Open Communication in Relationships
This document focuses on 11 specific rules that can help your relationships stay healthy. While at first glance the rules may look to you like common sense, many relationship problems occur because they are not followed. Do your best to follow the 11 rules and your relationships are sure to benefit!
Forgiveness: What it is, What it isn't, and How to Do it
Forgiveness is important to almost every relationship that we have. This document focuses on understanding what forgiveness is and isn't in order to help detangle myths that can hinder healing. Practical steps for thinking through forgiveness and how it is different from reconciliation are presented.