Downloads for Parents

Biblical Guidance on Parenting: Parenting with a Purpose 
  1. Relationships Spoke
  2. Seasons Spoke
  3. Communication Spoke
  4. Instruction Spoke
  5. Discipleship Spoke
  6. Challenge Spoke  

Child Discipline

Biblical Principles to Guide Parental Discipline of Children at Home and in Public  
The purpose of this paper is to outline what the Bible says about the attitude parents should take toward child discipline.  It provides guidance about bringing up children in the "nurture and admonition of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4).  This document was developed by the Apostolic Christian Education Committee of the Elder Body.

Five C's of Effective Discipline  
This document, developed by ACCFS, gives straight-forward advice on effective discipline for children. It discusses the five C's: Clarity, Consistency, Communication, Caring, and Create.

Parent-Child Relationships

Understanding Attachment: A Fundamental Parenting Principle  
This document presents a straightforward look at the biblical principles of parental attachment to children.

25 Ways to Provoke Anger in Children 
This article gives a summary of the 25 ways that parents can unknowingly create anger and frustration in their children outlined in the book "The Heart of Anger" by Lou Priolo.

Independent Living Skills
This ACCFS developed document lists age-appropriate living skills for children to learn and know.

Family Worship Guide Book   
This simple guide book for family devotions from Ministry to outlines three basic parts to include in family devotion; 1) Read, 2) Pray, and 3) Sing. You can use this guide to help develop your own family devotion time.