Biblical Guidance on Parenting: The ACCFS Parenting with a Purpose Program

The “Parenting with a Purpose” material includes; the “Parenting Wheel” and the six spokes that make up the “Parenting Wheel.” At the center of the “Parenting Wheel” you will find relationship and around the outside of the “Parenting Wheel” you will find the “fruit” that you as a parent desire to see in your child’s life.  While each “spoke” helps make up the whole of “Parenting with a Purpose” each can be read as a standalone document. Therefore, if you have a particular interest in one of the “spokes,” feel free to jump right to that document. If you desire to go through all of the material, it is recommended that you do so in the order listed below:
  1. Relationships Spoke
  2. Seasons Spoke
  3. Communication Spoke
  4. Instruction Spoke
  5. Discipleship Spoke
  6. Challenge Spoke

It is our hope and prayer that this information can be used by our Great God to illuminate biblical principles that can encourage and strengthen parents as the carry out the instruction of Ephesians 6:4.

 “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”

Parenting with a Purpose 

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