Documents for Download
Forgiveness: What it is, What it isn't, and How to Do it
Forgiveness is important to almost every relationship that we have. This document focuses on understanding what forgiveness is and isn't in order to help detangle myths that can hinder healing. Practical steps for thinking through forgiveness and how it is different from reconciliation are presented. Developed by ACCFS. This document is also available in Spanish El PERDON: ¿QUÉ ES? ¿QUÉ NO ES? Y ¿CÓMO SE PRACTICA?
Forgiveness is important to almost every relationship that we have. This document focuses on understanding what forgiveness is and isn't in order to help detangle myths that can hinder healing. Practical steps for thinking through forgiveness and how it is different from reconciliation are presented. Developed by ACCFS. This document is also available in Spanish El PERDON: ¿QUÉ ES? ¿QUÉ NO ES? Y ¿CÓMO SE PRACTICA?
Forgiving as Christ Forgave
This document is an encouragement to forgive following the example of Christ's forgiveness. Sub-topics include "Forgiveness has No Limits," "What Forgiveness is Not," "How to Forgive," and "Forgiving Ourselves."
Overcoming Hurt
This excllent booklet by Dr. Ralph Woerner discusses overcoming minor and major hurts and how to forgive.
True Guilt - False Guilt
This document, developed by ACCFS, highlights the differences between true guilt and false guilt. True guilt leads to restoration with God and others while false guilt leads to an endless cycle of shame, hopelessness, and despair.
Forgiveness: What it is, What it Isn't, & How to Do It