Apostolic Christian Way of Temperance

Apostolic Christian Way of Temperance (ACWT) is a 59-lesson biblically-based accountability program for individuals struggling with substance abuse/addiction in four areas:  alcohol, illegal drugs (e.g., marijuana),prescription medicine (e.g., pain killers), and nicotine (e.g., cigarettes and smokeless tobacco).  Each participant is essigned to a mentor who provides support, feedback, and guidance.  The participant completes daily Bible study lessons and e-mails (or faxes) the lessons to his/her mentor.  Anyone wanting to enroll in the ACWT program needs to obtain the approval of his/her home elder.  If you have questions about the program, please email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Documents for Download

Understanding Addiction  
This document, developed by ACCFS, provides an overview of addiction from a Christian perspective.  It helps readers to understand what addiction is, the resposibilities of the addict to seek help, and the ways that family members, friends, and churches can help.  Relevant for those dealing with alcoholism, gambling addiction, nicotine addiction, drug abuse (prescription or illegal), sexual addiction, etc. 

Emotional & Physical Danger Signs for Acting Out 
This document, developed by ACCFS, lists emotional and physical states that you may feel when you get the urge to act on unhealthy, sinful, and/or addictive impulses (e.g., desire to drink, binge or purge, allowing impure sexual fantasy to run, etc.). By becoming aware of these triggers, you can begin to use healthy, Christ-honoring coping skills to deal with them more effectively. 

Overcoming Temptation  
A study by Elder Bro. Lynn Stieglitz on how to wage a successful battle with our spiritual enemy, using faith and the armor of God.  The author describes how the "shield of faith" can extinguish "fiery darts" and explains why God helps us to endure some temptations and directs us to flee from others.

A Christ-Centered Twelve Step Program of Addiction Recovery 
12-Step Programs are often a standard part of recovery from addictions. This document shows how each of the 12-Steps fit right in line with biblical truth. The biblical concepts of humility, repentance, confession, restitution, etc. are highlighted as the pathway to overcoming addictions of all types.